The Supernatural University welcomes you to the pillar of Ufology! The study of ufology, AKA the study of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), encompasses a wide range of phenomena, including sightings, encounters, and investigations into aerial events that cannot be easily explained. This field attracts interest from both amateur enthusiasts and professional researchers, as it jumps headlong into questions about extraterrestrial life, advanced technology, and government secrecy.
At The Supernatural University, as you pursue your degree in Ufology, we cover subjects ranging from alien abduction claims to exotic alien materials. Together, we will analyze historical documentation including photographs, videos, media reports, government documents, and eyewitness accounts.
Historically, UFO sightings date back decades. In our pursuit of truth, we will reach back into those distant years to explore the many events that have occurred. The Roswell, New Mexico (1972), Washington D.C. (1952) and more recent encounters in Dudley England (2011) will be explored. We will also study other extraterrestrial phenomena such as crop circles, crystal skulls, exotic materials, and ancient civilizations’ interactions with the extraterrestrial. As you seek your Ufology degree and NBA (Nuanced Bonafide Academic), we are confident you will enjoy learning and exploring all things otherworldly.